May 13, 2014

Have a problem when print a web page? Here is the solution!

Hello, everyone! Are you wondering what will I post this time? As you can see on the picture above, it's about PrintWhatYouLike. This web lets us print any web pages without skip ads and other junks involved. We don't have to use an old way anymore! I mean, copy all the materials in a web page, paste them into Microsoft word, and print them. I feel like a primitive person for many years ugh.

In my opinion, this web is really easy to use. As a newbie, we will not get confused. There are only 3 steps : 
  1. Enter a URL and click start,
  2. Edit the page. You will find a red square line on everything that you point at. For example, you click on the title. The red square line blocks the whole space automatically and some commands pop out. Isolate makes everything else disappears, except the title. Remove makes the title disappears. Widen moves the title to the left in order to use the entire page width. Resize changes the size of the title. You can also find some edit tools on the left which are understandable. Save your edit page into PDF or HTML (it depends on your need). 
  3. Print it!
PrintWhatYouLike is a great way to cut down on paper waste and your page will be more readable. It's interesting, isn't it? Let's stop being primitive people since now! :)

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